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Crystals and Herbs for Samhain

Crystals and herbs are a great way to add magic to your Samhain celebration. Whether you’re looking to enhance your Samhain rituals or just want to enjoy a little more magick around your home, these resources will help.

In this guide, we’ll take you through the basics of crystals and herbs for Samhain, from what they are to some ideas on how to use them in your practice. Whether you’re looking for help preparing for Samhain or just want some useful information on crystals and herbs, read on!


What is Samhain.

Samhain, also known as the Witches’ New Year, is a pagan sabbat and festival that takes place in October. It celebrates the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. It is believed that during this time the veil between the world of the living and that of the dead is thinnest allowing the spirits to cross over to our plane.

Samhain is celebrated with traditional ceremonies and symbols, including burning candles at night, walking in nature, dancing, feasting, and honoring our ancestors through altars and rituals. 

Crystals and Herbs Associated with Samhain.

Some common crystals associated with Samhain include: amethyst, citrine, spirit quartz, onyx, bloodstone, lapis lazuli, moonstone, and carnelian.

Herbs & foods associated with Samhain include: mugwort, wormwood, cinnamon, rosemary, roses, bay leaf, sage leaves, thyme leaves, pumpkin seeds, mushrooms, lavender, allspice, pine needles and calendula.


How to Use Crystals and Herbs for Samhain.
1. Make a Samhain Garland for your Altar.

Crystals and herbs can be used to make your own Samhain Garland. Start by choosing one or more symbols that represent your intention for the day whether that is to communicate with lost love ones, contact your spirit guide, or to celebrate the end of the harvest season. Gather crystals and/or herbs that represent that represent your intention for the day.

For instance, if your intention is to reach out to a loved one who passed this year you might hang photos of your love one on your garland surrounded by carnelian and amethyst stone and sachets of mugwort, tobacco and rose petals.

Cut a length of twine or string the length you will need to hang your garland. Use clothes pins to attach your symbols, herbs and stones along the length of the garland. Leave plenty of room at either end for hanging.

TIP: it can be difficult to tie crystals and herbs to garland. Use small pieces of fabric tied with ribbon or a rubber band to make sachets and attach them with clothes pins.


2. Use Crystals and Herbs to Aid in Divination.
Samhain is the perfect time for divination. Whether you prefer to scry, tarot, runes or another divination method, the veil is thinnest during this time making it easier to contact our ancestors and spirit guides for answers.

Burn bay leaves to enhance your psychic abilities before starting divinatory work.

Crystals such as amethyst to boost psychic powers and intuition, spirit quartz to help connect to your ancestors or guides, and lapis lazuli as it helps with inner vision and to protect against psychic attacks.

3. Cooking with Magical Herbs & Foods
Add magical herbs to your Samhain feast dishes. Add Rosemary to your meat or vegetables for remembrance, cinnamon to your sweet potatoes for connection to your ancestors, roast fresh pumpkin seeds for prosperity and protection through the winter, and apple cider (and an apple buried for the dead) for wisdom.


Document your Rituals.

We suggest documenting your Samhain rituals - including what herbs and crystals were used and why. Write down what you used, what you did, the feelings you have about it now, etc. Then go back a week or a month from now and reflect. What worked? What didn’t? What would you do again next year and what would you leave behind?


Samhain is a special time of year, full of traditions and meaning. By using crystals and herbs for Samhain celebrations, you can add extra richness and depth to your Samhain celebration. Take what you learn about these crystals and herbs and put them to use in your Samhain celebrations and in your magic throughout the year as well. 

As always, take what resonates with you and leave what doesn't. Use your intuition to choose they crystals and herbs you use for your Samhain rituals and celebrations. Check out our Samhain goodies here.





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