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The Magic of Rose Quartz: Its Healing and Metaphysical Properties


Rose Quartz is an easily found gemstone that can come from a variety of countries. South Africa, Brazil, Japan, India, Madagascar and the United States are all sources of Rose Quartz. This gem is usually pink and translucent though may be transparent. 

The pink hue associated with Rose Quartz is caused by trace amounts of titanium, iron or manganese in the stone. One rare form of Rose Quartz (Crystalline Rose Quartz) derives its color from trace amounts of phosphate or aluminum. Rose Quartz is photosensitive and can fade if left in direct sunlight.


Energy: Receptive

Chakras: Heart

Element: Earth

Deities: Venus, Isis, Aphrodite, Adonis


Rose quartz beads dating back around 7000 BC have been found in the area once known as Mesopotamia and Mesopotamians were believed to be the first culture to use this stone in jewelry. Rose quartz jewelry has also been found among artifacts belonging to the Assyrians and Romans.

Going as far back to the earliest recorded times, people have believed in the powerful, magical properties which rose quartz held. Ancient civilizations like the Romans and Egyptians used rose quartz talismans to signify ownership and ward off aging.

In the Middle Ages people used rose quartz in their potions. Various cultures of the American continent saw a place for quartz amulets: they believed them to balance one's emotions and heal the heart from anger and disappointment.


Rose Quartz is associated with the heart chakra. Because of this, it's said to stimulate the heart and the circulatory system as a whole. In addition to its effects on the physical heart, it's also connected to the emotional and spiritual hearts. One way Rose Quartz helps with one's internal feelings is by serving as a bridge between one's consciousness and love - ie through helping you lead into deeper forms of love like self-love, family love and unconditional love etc.

Use your intuition when using any crystal. A stone will work if you believe it will work. If you've been told that a stone works for one thing, don't stress if you find out that the information you got was wrong. Always remember that your belief is what gives the stone its powers.

Attracting Love 

Rose Quartz helps open your heart chakra, allowing you to be more receptive to the energy of others. This is not limited only to potential lovers, but includes energy from someone that may develop to be a dear friend.

Established Relationships 

In the same way that Rose Quartz opens your heart chakra to others to help the establishment of new relationships. If you desire to be more receptive to the energies of others that you have a relationship with currently, rose quartz may be for you. This improved energy reception can result in a stronger, happier and overall healthier relationship between everyone involved.

Self Love 

The amazing relationship building & healing properties of Rose Quartz is not limited to only external relationships. It can bring an amazing benefit to your internal relationship with yourself as well. It is said to reprogram the heart of the wearer to better love itself. It teaches that all love comes from within ones self and that from that unending reservoir of love, any wound can be healed, no matter how painful it may be.


Rose Quartz gently penetrates the inner chambers of your heart, calming you and soothing built up anger. These calming energies also flow out into the room that you're in, helping calm others and maintain a positive aura in the room. If you find yourself angering quickly try to wear a rose quartz talisman to calm your anger.


It's said that Rose Quartz has been used for medicinal purposes, including increased fertility, for thousands of years and across many different ancient civilizations. This crystals energy is all about making you a healthier and happier person. It should be no surprise that hose same energies also work their magic on your reproductive system as well.

Heart Health

On top of all the above effects that could be possible from Rose Quartz, it's effect on your physical heart and circulatory system is also said to be very noticeable. Rose quartz works to cleanse impurities from the bodily fluids. 

While we would never suggest strictly crystal healing and encourage all of our readers to consult their physician for any medical issues, the benefit from using rose quartz along with your doctor's prescribed treatment is something you should definitely consider. This crystal has some truly awesome properties and can do a lot to bring you health, happiness and positivity.





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