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Unlocking the Magical Uses of Licorice Root: A Comprehensive Guide

Botanical Name: Glycyrrhiza glabra
Family: Fabaceae (Legume family)
Usage: Both culinary and medicinal
Folk Names: Sweet Root, Sweetwood, Black sugar, Liquorice (British English spelling), Gan Zao (in Traditional Chinese Medicine), Yashtimadhu (in Ayurveda)
International Names: Liquorice (English), réglisse (French), Lakritze (German), liquirizia (Italian), regaliz (Spanish), mulethi (Hindi)

Element: Water
Planetary: Mercury, Juipiter
Zodiac: Taurus
Chakra: Throat Chakra
Deities: Aphrodite, Ma'at, Thoth (Deities associated with love, balance, and wisdom often resonate with Licorice Root)

Welcome to the enchanting world of Licorice Root, a remarkable herb that weaves its magic into matters of love, passion, fidelity, and control. In this blog post, we'll embark on a journey to uncover the mystical properties of Licorice Root, delve into its rich historical tapestry, and even share a simple spell that lets you tap into its captivating powers. But before we dive headfirst into the realm of magic, let's first traverse the globe to discover its diverse origins.

Ancient Wisdom Across Cultures

Licorice Root doesn't just have a history; it boasts a legacy spanning over two thousand years. This herb's story is a global one, with its roots deeply intertwined with the annals of ancient Assyrian, Egyptian, Chinese, and Indian cultures. To give you an idea of just how esteemed it was, consider that Licorice Root was found in the tomb of the legendary King Tutankhamun (1356 to 1339 B.C.E.). That's right; it was considered so valuable that it accompanied the pharaohs into the afterlife.

Global Medicinal Marvel

  • Assyrian and Egyptian Traditions: In the historical records of Assyrian and Egyptian cultures, Licorice Root was hailed not just for its magical properties but also for its medicinal prowess. It was a go-to remedy for addressing a wide range of health concerns.

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Fast forward to 190 AD, and Licorice Root was already a superstar in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It earned the prestigious title of a "guide herb." In this revered role, it was combined with other herbs to supercharge their effectiveness, elevate Qi (that's energy, folks), neutralize toxicity, and enhance overall flavor. TCM especially cherished Licorice Root's knack for soothing dry coughs and flu symptoms affecting the throat and lungs. In fact, it was found to be just as effective as codeine in managing unproductive coughs, helping to clear out phlegm. But that's not all; it could also give your blood pressure a nudge and had some estrogenic qualities to boot.

The Global Hangouts of Licorice Root

You'll find Licorice Root kicking back in the sunny spots of Southeastern Europe. It's a real globetrotter, though, 'cause it thrives in all sorts of places with dry soil. People from the Mediterranean to Northern Europe can't get enough of it. Licorice Root's like that cool friend who's always up for an adventure.

Harvesting & Storage

If you happen to have a Licorice plant, harvesting usually takes place in the fall for roots that are at least 3-4 years old. Roots should be carefully dug up, washed, and the bark peeled. For those buying Licorice, look for organically grown roots to ensure no pesticides or chemicals are present.

Warnings & Cautions

Licorice Root is generally considered safe for most people when used in moderation. However, there are a few cautions to keep in mind:

  • Overconsumption can lead to high blood pressure, salt and water retention, and low potassium levels.
  • Not recommended for pregnant or nursing women, and those with heart, liver, or kidney conditions.
  • Interacts with certain medications, such as diuretics, corticosteroids, and antihypertensives. Always consult with a healthcare provider if you're taking any medications.

Use licorice root in working related to


  • Love: Licorice Root's got a knack for dialing up the love vibes. Whether you're looking for new romance or want to rekindle the spark in your current relationship, it's your go-to magical wingman.
  • Lust: This root's not shy about cranking up the heat. If you're in the mood for some passion and desire, Licorice Root's got your back. It doesn't care about borders; it'll make your love life sizzle no matter where you're from.
  • Fidelity: Staying loyal and faithful? Licorice Root's got your back, even if you're not from its hometown in Southeastern Europe. It's like the guardian of commitment in relationships.
  • Control and Compulsion: Need a little extra oomph when it comes to making decisions or influencing someone's choices? Licorice Root's the subtle powerhouse you need.
  • Heightening Power: When it's time to amp up your magical game, Licorice Root's your secret weapon. Whether you're flying solo in your rituals or following hoodoo traditions, it cranks up the volume on your intentions, making your spells supercharged.

Elemental Magic

Licorice root shares an innate connection with the element of water, symbolizing emotion, intuition, and the depths of the unconscious mind. In many magical traditions, water is linked with the qualities of healing, purification, and transformation—traits that Licorice Root embodies to a "T" (or should I say, to a "tea"?). Known for its calming and soothing properties, this root herb can be likened to a still, deep lake that nurtures the life around it. 

Its moisture-loving nature and its ability to soothe inflammations and irritations resonate with water's qualities of nurturing and emotional healing. As water is ever-changing, yet holds untold depths, so does Licorice Root work subtly but profoundly to balance emotional states and enhance introspection. For practitioners focusing on water-aligned spellwork or rituals—whether it's emotional healing, dreamwork, or intuitive development—Licorice Root makes an intuitive and potent ally. So, the next time you're summoning the energies of water for your magical workings, consider inviting Licorice Root to the watery waltz. 

Astrological Associations

  • Mercury: If we're going astrological, Licorice Root's cosmic buddy is Mercury. Mercury is all about communication and the flow of thought, and in the old tales, it was the divine messenger of the gods. Intriguingly, Mercury also presides over the sixth house, which deals with health. This astrological dance mirrors Licorice Root's role in supporting the immune and respiratory systems. Plus, its status as a "guide herb" takes on a whole new dimension when you consider Mercury's role in directing and coordinating other celestial forces.
  • Jupiter: Beyond its practical uses, Licorice Root has a spiritual side. It was used as an offering in religious ceremonies and ritually burned. This aligns with the expansive energy of the planet Jupiter. Back in the day, no rites of passage were complete without an herb from the Jupiter spectrum. This deep connection clarifies why Licorice Root was reverently buried in the tombs of ancient Egypt, symbolizing its role in both earthly and spiritual journeys.

Licorice Root: Your Throat Chakra’s Herbal Ally

Licorice root, with its soothing qualities, is commonly associated with the Throat Chakra, also known as Vishuddha in Sanskrit. This chakra is the epicenter of communication, self-expression, and speaking one's truth. In many spiritual traditions, the Throat Chakra is seen as the bridge between our inner and outer worlds, and it's often the bottleneck where emotional and mental tensions can manifest. Licorice root's gentle soothing energies lend themselves perfectly to balancing and opening this chakra. The herb is often used in teas and elixirs aimed at vocal health, clearing energetic blockages in the throat area, and enhancing one's ability to communicate clearly and effectively. Its sweet yet assertive nature embodies the perfect balance of energies needed to speak your truth and be heard, akin to a soulful ballad that strikes the perfect chord—making Licorice Root a go-to herbal ally for Throat Chakra work.

Licorice Root’s Connection to the Divine

Licorice root's sweet and soothing qualities often see it associated with deities of healing, love, and protection. In various pantheons, it's not uncommon to find it linked with goddesses and gods of medicine and herbal knowledge. Some deities we believe would appreciate licorice root include:

  • Aphrodite: As the goddess of love, beauty, and pleasure, Aphrodite would certainly appreciate the allure of Licorice Root. Known for its subtly sweet flavor and its use in love spells, Licorice Root could be considered a heavenly match for Aphrodite's own sensual and magnetic energies. In a similar vein, it's a go-to for spells and rituals focusing on attraction and affection, which could make it a lovely offering or tool in workings devoted to Aphrodite.
  • Ma'at: The Egyptian goddess of truth, justice, and harmony would likely find Licorice Root to be an ideal counterpart. This root has properties that promote balance and equilibrium in the body, paralleling Ma'at's role in maintaining cosmic balance. Licorice Root could be used in rituals or spells aimed at seeking justice, establishing harmony, or even divination practices that seek to unveil hidden truths—all of which resonate with Ma'at's divine jurisdiction.
  • Thoth: The god of wisdom, writing, and magic, Thoth would likely be captivated by Licorice Root's versatility. Known for enhancing cognitive function and for its uses in various forms of spell work, Licorice Root aligns well with Thoth's realms of knowledge and magical mastery. For practitioners seeking to enhance their skills in writing, communication, or magical studies, incorporating Licorice Root into your practice could be a nod to Thoth's own boundless wisdom.

So, in the grand tapestry of divine correspondences, Licorice Root weaves itself seamlessly into the fabrics of Aphrodite's allure, Ma'at's equilibrium, and Thoth's arcane wisdom. It could certainly serve as a versatile offering or tool in any rituals or spells dedicated to these deities. 


If you find yourself in a spellbinding pinch and Licorice Root is out of reach, consider these alternatives:

  • Fennel Root: Used for protective and healing properties similar to Licorice.
  • Anise: Similar sweet, aromatic profile, often used in love and dream spells.
  • Calamus Root: Another root with compelling and commanding properties.

Note: Always consider your intention and purpose for the magical working when choosing a substitute. Substitutions can vary in efficacy depending on the spell or ritual.

A Dash of Magic with Licorice Root: A Simple Love and Passion Spell

What You'll Need:

Licorice Root (dried or powered)

Pink or red candle

Small piece of paper



  • Create a cozy, sacred space. Light the pink or red candle and let its warm glow fill the room.
  • Write your desires and intentions related to love, passion, or control on the piece of paper. Get specific about what you want to achieve.
  • Take a pinch of Licorice Root and hold it in your hand. Close your eyes and imagine your desires coming true. Feel the energy of Licorice Root infusing your intentions with power.

Licorice Root isn't just an herb; it's a time-traveling tour guide through the corridors of ancient wisdom, a global medicinal marvel, and an astrological ally. With over two thousand years of documented use, it's a cherished herb that bridges the gap between old-world knowledge and modern understanding.

Whether you're brewing up love spells, diving into its ancient history, or simply enjoying its soothing properties in tea, Licorice Root is here to make life a little sweeter. Just remember, this info's for fun and entertainment; if you've got health concerns, chat with your doc. We're all about spreading the love, not playing doctor. So, go ahead, explore the magic, and let Licorice Root cast its spell on your life!





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