Magickal Crystals and Herbs to Use for Samhain Rituals and Celebrations
By Cassie Jacobs 10 Oct, 2022
Crystals and herbs are a great way to add magic to your Samhain celebration. Whether you’re looking to enhance your Samhain rituals or just want to enjoy a little more magick around your home, these resources will help. In this guide, we’ll take you through the basics of crystals and herbs for Samhain, from what they are to some ideas on how to use them in your practice. Whether you’re looking for help preparing for Samhain or just want some useful information on crystals and herbs, read on! What is Samhain. Samhain, also known as the Witches’ New Year, is a pagan sabbat and festival that takes place in October. It celebrates the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. It is believed that during this time the veil between the world of the living and that of the dead is thinnest allowing the spirits to cross over to our plane. Samhain is celebrated with traditional ceremonies and symbols, including burning candles at night, walking in nature, dancing, feasting, and honoring our ancestors through altars and rituals. Crystals and Herbs Associated with Samhain. Some common crystals associated with Samhain include: amethyst, citrine, spirit quartz, onyx, bloodstone, lapis lazuli, moonstone, and carnelian. Herbs & foods associated with Samhain include: mugwort, wormwood, cinnamon, rosemary, roses, bay leaf, sage leaves, thyme leaves, pumpkin seeds, mushrooms, lavender, allspice, pine needles and calendula. How to Use Crystals and Herbs for Samhain. 1. Make a Samhain Garland for your Altar. Crystals and herbs can be used to make your own Samhain Garland. Start by choosing one or more symbols that represent your intention for the day whether that is to communicate with lost love ones, contact your spirit guide, or to celebrate the end of the harvest season. Gather crystals and/or herbs that represent that represent your intention for the day. For instance, if your intention is to reach out to a loved one who passed this year you might hang photos of your love one on your garland surrounded by carnelian and amethyst stone and sachets of mugwort, tobacco and rose petals. Cut a length of twine or string the length you will need to hang your garland. Use clothes pins to attach your symbols, herbs and stones along the length of the garland. Leave plenty of room at either end for hanging. TIP: it can be difficult to tie crystals and herbs to garland. Use small pieces of fabric tied with ribbon or a rubber band to make sachets and attach them with clothes pins. 2. Use Crystals and Herbs to Aid in Divination. Samhain is the perfect time for divination. Whether you prefer to scry, tarot, runes or another divination method, the veil is thinnest during this time making it easier to contact our ancestors and spirit guides for answers. Burn bay leaves to enhance your psychic abilities before starting divinatory work. Crystals such as amethyst to boost psychic powers and intuition, spirit quartz to help connect to your ancestors or guides, and lapis lazuli as it helps with inner vision and to protect against psychic attacks. 3. Cooking with Magical Herbs & Foods Add magical herbs to your Samhain feast dishes. Add Rosemary to your meat or vegetables for remembrance, cinnamon to your sweet potatoes for connection to your ancestors, roast fresh pumpkin seeds for prosperity and protection through the winter, and apple cider (and an apple buried for the dead) for wisdom. Document your Rituals. We suggest documenting your Samhain rituals - including what herbs and crystals were used and why. Write down what you used, what you did, the feelings you have about it now, etc. Then go back a week or a month from now and reflect. What worked? What didn’t? What would you do again next year and what would you leave behind? Samhain is a special time of year, full of traditions and meaning. By using crystals and herbs for Samhain celebrations, you can add extra richness and depth to your Samhain celebration. Take what you learn about these crystals and herbs and put them to use in your Samhain celebrations and in your magic throughout the year as well. As always, take what resonates with you and leave what doesn't. Use your intuition to choose they crystals and herbs you use for your Samhain rituals and celebrations. Check out our Samhain goodies here .
The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning
By Cassie Jacobs 25 Aug, 2021
II The High Priestess GENERAL MEANING Intuition • Divine Feminine • Subconscious Mind • Wisdom • Mentor • Inner Knowing • The Spiritual World • Inner Voice • Creativity INTUITION The High Priestess is here to remind us to follow our intuition, our inner voice. Now is a time to trust yourself and know that your intuition and inner knowing is leading you in the right direction - don’t ignore it. When reversed this card may be indicating that external forces such as someone around you may be trying to convince you to go against your intuition. Trust in yourself rather than those around you who may not have your best interest at heart. DIVINE FEMININE The divine feminine is present in us all regardless of gender identity. This card is telling us to embrace that side our ourselves. Feminine energy is generally considered to consist of intuition, compassion, inner wisdom and empathy - something we need to stay connected to. It’s time to harness our feminine energies and use them. INNER KNOWING The High Priestess sits between the physical and spiritual worlds. Seeing her in a reading indicates that you should connect your spirit guides or to your own inner knowledge to help along your spiritual journey. She brings with her wisdom, enlightenment and illumination - you need only seek it. When reversed this card may indicate that you struggle to trust your inner knowing. Work on letting go of your self doubt and learn to trust yourself, your intuition and your instincts. CREATIVITY Creativity and inspiration flows for those who find themselves involved with the arts. The High Priestess encourages us to go beyond what our conscious mind sees and allow our subconscious to come forward and offer new ideas. Be on the lookout for a mentor or teacher who can help advance your work or studies. Perhaps you are the teacher, come to help someone else along their path. When reversed it’s important to remember to trust yourself and your creative mind. Let go of fear and judgement from others. Follow your own intuition.
the magician tarot card meaning
By Chase Jacobs 11 Aug, 2021
I The Magician GENERAL MEANING Action • Creativity • Manifested Desire • Success • Commitment • Cleverness • Cunning • Skill • Sense of Self • Spiritual Development MANIFESTED DESIRES The Magician card represents the unification of the spiritual and the physical worlds. With him, he brings tools and energy to make your desires manifest. Everything that you need is here around you - you need just harness it. When reversed this card suggests you are not focused and your desires are not being manifested. Consider how to better focus your talents in order to make your dreams and desires come true. CREATIVITY Everything that you need is laid out before you. Use the tools that the magician provides in conjunction with your creative energy to explore new ideas and concepts. Find creative new ways to solve problems as you move forward in your journey. When this card is reversed it may suggest that your creativity is blocked and are struggling with decision making. Now is the time to make a choice and stick with it. COMMITMENT The Magician shows us that we are moving toward stronger bonds and deeper relationships with the people around us. Expect higher levels of commitment from your significant other(s). Now is also a good time to meet new people. You can expect both excitement and good intentions in new relationships. When the Magician is reversed it can signify that everything isn’t as it seems. The Magician can be a tricky little thing and may indicate deceit. Take time to really get to know new people in your life before making commitments to them. ACTION Now is the time to take action. There may be things in your life that you seek to change, now is the time for you to step up and initiate that change. Whether you are looking for a new job or a new partner, you must work to create the circumstances needed for those changes to happen. Don’t wait for things to work themselves you have the power within you to MAKE them happen. When reversed consider if you are hesitant to make the changes that you seek? What is holding you back? Are your end goals in line with what is best for you? SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT Your potential is so high right now. That doesn’t stop with the physical plane. Now is a great time to develop your spiritual practice and abilities. If you’ve been considering deepening your spirituality now is the time to act on it. Work on connecting with your higher self or deity, or give a new witchy hobby a try like divination or honing your psychic powers. In a reversed position the Magician shows that the spiritual path that you have been on may no longer serve you. Think about what you’re doing now and ditch the parts that don’t work for you.
tarot card meaning the fool
By Chase Jacobs 04 Aug, 2021
The Fool represents new beginnings. Everyone starts off their journey through life as The Fool - naive, innocent, free to exploring the world around us with a sense of wonder and excitement without fear of the unknown. We are but a small life full of potential, collecting experiences and destined to make mistakes along the way. Let's take a closer look at some of the aspects of The Fool. GENERAL MEANING Innocence • Freedom • Adventure • Beginnings • Foolishness • Risk • Free Spirited • Something Unexpected • Careless Action • Naive • Lack of Inhibition • Living in the Moment NEW BEGINNINGS The Fool card represents new beginnings. It is the beginning of a journey or a new part of your life. It marks the start of something unexpected full of opportunity and potential. Trust in yourself and trust in the journey. Though there may be twists and turns along the way know that where you are heading is worth what it takes to get there. When new things begin, something else comes to an end. While this card may represent the new beginning keep in mind that it maybe a result of something else ending. NAIVETE Being like a new soul in the world it is easy to be naive about people or situations. You are on a new path, starting a new journey it is normal to not have all of the answers and to look to others for help. You might even be a little naive about where this journey will take you or how much work it may take to get there. Don’t let your naïveté get the better of you or get you into trouble. If things go off course take a minute and steer yourself to gentler waters before resuming your journey. CREATIVE POTENTIAL New ideas abound. Your creative potential is boundless and limited only by what you can accomplish in the waking hours of the day. Use your creative power to open the doors to new opportunities in your personal and professional life. ENTHUSIASM Start your journey with enthusiasm. Like a child with a new toy excited to play, so you should approach your project. Embrace your joy, excitement, and enthusiasm and let it guide you along the way. OPPORTUNITY With new beginnings comes opportunity. Now is a time of potential in your life, use it wisely. Don’t let the judgments of others deter you from your path. When reversed this card is reminding you to take your time and do your research before diving head first into any opportunities that may come your way. SEARCH FOR MEANING The Fool signifies that it is time to dive in head first in your search for meaning. Try new ideas of thought on for size. Keep what works for you and throw away that which doesn’t. Don’t be deterred by people who may not understand your quest. LIVING IN THE MOMENT The Fool represents your spontaneous side. The side that seeks adventure and freedom. Now is the time to live in the moment, don’t let life pass you by. When reversed this card may be telling you to slow the eff down. Take a breath and consider the consequences of your actions not only to yourself but to those around you as well. Being spontaneous can lead to a life of adventure and excitement but at what cost?
Cleansing and Programming a Pendulum
By Chase Jacobs 22 Apr, 2021
Pendulums are a common divination tool among practitioners and are easier to learn than things like tarot or runes. They can be used to answer questions or help with making decisions but they can also be used for a number of other purposes such as healing, cleansing and finding lost objects. Pendulums can be made from a variety of materials, some of the most popular being metal, wood, or crystals. They work by connecting with your intuition and receiving and transmitting information from deity, ancestors, guardian angels, etc. Answers are given via the pendulums pattern of movement. We recommend cleansing and tuning your pendulum to your energy before using. You can use your favorite method of cleansing such as leaving your pendulum in direct sunlight for an hour or more, using salt water, cleansing with incense or herb smoke, or even sound cleansing. Just be sure to use a method that is safe for the material that your pendulum is made of. For example, don’t use salt water on a wooden pendulum. Once your pendulum has been cleansed tuning it into your energy is the next step. To do this simply hold the pendulum in your hand and concentrate your energy into the pendulum for several minutes. If you plan on using your pendulum for one specific purpose such as healing then focus on this intention during this step. To understand the answers that your pendulum will give it’s important to program your pendulum. To do this hold the pendulum by the end of the chain. Allow the pendulum to dangle in the air without touching anything. Ask the pendulum the following questions and record how the pendulum moves for each answer. Show me a yes. Show me a no. Show me an unsure. The movement should be different for each of these questions. Recording and knowing the different movements will help you decipher the answers to the yes or no questions that you ask. Remember that the more you work with your pendulum the better your skill and results will be. Are you looking for a new pendulum? We have offer handmade wooden pendulums in a variety of finishes and themes to suit your practice. Check them out HERE . Blessed be the witches!

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