Magickal Crystals and Herbs to Use for Samhain Rituals and Celebrations
By Cassie Jacobs 10 Oct, 2022
Crystals and herbs are a great way to add magic to your Samhain celebration. Whether you’re looking to enhance your Samhain rituals or just want to enjoy a little more magick around your home, these resources will help. In this guide, we’ll take you through the basics of crystals and herbs for Samhain, from what they are to some ideas on how to use them in your practice. Whether you’re looking for help preparing for Samhain or just want some useful information on crystals and herbs, read on! What is Samhain. Samhain, also known as the Witches’ New Year, is a pagan sabbat and festival that takes place in October. It celebrates the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. It is believed that during this time the veil between the world of the living and that of the dead is thinnest allowing the spirits to cross over to our plane. Samhain is celebrated with traditional ceremonies and symbols, including burning candles at night, walking in nature, dancing, feasting, and honoring our ancestors through altars and rituals. Crystals and Herbs Associated with Samhain. Some common crystals associated with Samhain include: amethyst, citrine, spirit quartz, onyx, bloodstone, lapis lazuli, moonstone, and carnelian. Herbs & foods associated with Samhain include: mugwort, wormwood, cinnamon, rosemary, roses, bay leaf, sage leaves, thyme leaves, pumpkin seeds, mushrooms, lavender, allspice, pine needles and calendula. How to Use Crystals and Herbs for Samhain. 1. Make a Samhain Garland for your Altar. Crystals and herbs can be used to make your own Samhain Garland. Start by choosing one or more symbols that represent your intention for the day whether that is to communicate with lost love ones, contact your spirit guide, or to celebrate the end of the harvest season. Gather crystals and/or herbs that represent that represent your intention for the day. For instance, if your intention is to reach out to a loved one who passed this year you might hang photos of your love one on your garland surrounded by carnelian and amethyst stone and sachets of mugwort, tobacco and rose petals. Cut a length of twine or string the length you will need to hang your garland. Use clothes pins to attach your symbols, herbs and stones along the length of the garland. Leave plenty of room at either end for hanging. TIP: it can be difficult to tie crystals and herbs to garland. Use small pieces of fabric tied with ribbon or a rubber band to make sachets and attach them with clothes pins. 2. Use Crystals and Herbs to Aid in Divination. Samhain is the perfect time for divination. Whether you prefer to scry, tarot, runes or another divination method, the veil is thinnest during this time making it easier to contact our ancestors and spirit guides for answers. Burn bay leaves to enhance your psychic abilities before starting divinatory work. Crystals such as amethyst to boost psychic powers and intuition, spirit quartz to help connect to your ancestors or guides, and lapis lazuli as it helps with inner vision and to protect against psychic attacks. 3. Cooking with Magical Herbs & Foods Add magical herbs to your Samhain feast dishes. Add Rosemary to your meat or vegetables for remembrance, cinnamon to your sweet potatoes for connection to your ancestors, roast fresh pumpkin seeds for prosperity and protection through the winter, and apple cider (and an apple buried for the dead) for wisdom. Document your Rituals. We suggest documenting your Samhain rituals - including what herbs and crystals were used and why. Write down what you used, what you did, the feelings you have about it now, etc. Then go back a week or a month from now and reflect. What worked? What didn’t? What would you do again next year and what would you leave behind? Samhain is a special time of year, full of traditions and meaning. By using crystals and herbs for Samhain celebrations, you can add extra richness and depth to your Samhain celebration. Take what you learn about these crystals and herbs and put them to use in your Samhain celebrations and in your magic throughout the year as well. As always, take what resonates with you and leave what doesn't. Use your intuition to choose they crystals and herbs you use for your Samhain rituals and celebrations. Check out our Samhain goodies here .
magical properties of rose quartz
By Chase Jacobs 16 Aug, 2021
WHAT IS ROSE QUARTZ? Rose Quartz is an easily found gemstone that can come from a variety of countries. South Africa, Brazil, Japan, India, Madagascar and the United States are all sources of Rose Quartz. This gem is usually pink and translucent though may be transparent. The pink hue associated with Rose Quartz is caused by trace amounts of titanium, iron or manganese in the stone. One rare form of Rose Quartz (Crystalline Rose Quartz) derives its color from trace amounts of phosphate or aluminum. Rose Quartz is photosensitive and can fade if left in direct sunlight. CORRESPONDENCES Energy: Receptive Chakras: Heart Element: Earth Deities: Venus, Isis, Aphrodite, Adonis HISTORICAL USES Rose quartz beads dating back around 7000 BC have been found in the area once known as Mesopotamia and Mesopotamians were believed to be the first culture to use this stone in jewelry. Rose quartz jewelry has also been found among artifacts belonging to the Assyrians and Romans. Going as far back to the earliest recorded times, people have believed in the powerful, magical properties which rose quartz held. Ancient civilizations like the Romans and Egyptians used rose quartz talismans to signify ownership and ward off aging. In the Middle Ages people used rose quartz in their potions. Various cultures of the American continent saw a place for quartz amulets: they believed them to balance one's emotions and heal the heart from anger and disappointment. ROSE QUARTZ'S HEALING AND METAPHYSICAL PROPERTIES Rose Quartz is associated with the heart chakra. Because of this, it's said to stimulate the heart and the circulatory system as a whole. In addition to its effects on the physical heart, it's also connected to the emotional and spiritual hearts. One way Rose Quartz helps with one's internal feelings is by serving as a bridge between one's consciousness and love - ie through helping you lead into deeper forms of love like self-love, family love and unconditional love etc. Use your intuition when using any crystal. A stone will work if you believe it will work. If you've been told that a stone works for one thing, don't stress if you find out that the information you got was wrong. Always remember that your belief is what gives the stone its powers. Attracting Love Rose Quartz helps open your heart chakra, allowing you to be more receptive to the energy of others. This is not limited only to potential lovers, but includes energy from someone that may develop to be a dear friend. Established Relationships In the same way that Rose Quartz opens your heart chakra to others to help the establishment of new relationships. If you desire to be more receptive to the energies of others that you have a relationship with currently, rose quartz may be for you. This improved energy reception can result in a stronger, happier and overall healthier relationship between everyone involved. Self Love The amazing relationship building & healing properties of Rose Quartz is not limited to only external relationships. It can bring an amazing benefit to your internal relationship with yourself as well. It is said to reprogram the heart of the wearer to better love itself. It teaches that all love comes from within ones self and that from that unending reservoir of love, any wound can be healed, no matter how painful it may be. Peace Rose Quartz gently penetrates the inner chambers of your heart, calming you and soothing built up anger. These calming energies also flow out into the room that you're in, helping calm others and maintain a positive aura in the room. If you find yourself angering quickly try to wear a rose quartz talisman to calm your anger. Fertility It's said that Rose Quartz has been used for medicinal purposes, including increased fertility, for thousands of years and across many different ancient civilizations. This crystals energy is all about making you a healthier and happier person. It should be no surprise that hose same energies also work their magic on your reproductive system as well. Heart Health On top of all the above effects that could be possible from Rose Quartz, it's effect on your physical heart and circulatory system is also said to be very noticeable. Rose quartz works to cleanse impurities from the bodily fluids. While we would never suggest strictly crystal healing and encourage all of our readers to consult their physician for any medical issues, the benefit from using rose quartz along with your doctor's prescribed treatment is something you should definitely consider. This crystal has some truly awesome properties and can do a lot to bring you health, happiness and positivity.
Metaphysical and Healing Properties of Garnet
By Chase Jacobs 02 Aug, 2021
WHAT IS GARNET? Garnet is a Silicate based crystal. It contains elements of either Calcium or Aluminum. If it contains Calcium, it will be green-based. On the other hand, if it contains Aluminum, it will be red-based. The most popular varieties of Garnet are Almandine and Pyrope. These varieties are both dark red in color. However, Garnet comes in a wide array of colors. Among these colors are blue, grey, orange, pink, green, and purple. CORRESPONDENCES Energy: Projective Birthstone: January Chakras: Root Chakra and Heart Chakra Element: Fire Deities: Persephone and Ares HISTORICAL USES Garnet has historically been a popular gem for jewelry from as early as the 7th century. It was popular among the Celts, and later the Anglo-Saxons. Garnet also has ties with both the Bible and the Koran. According to the biblical story, Noah used garnet to light his way during his travels. Since then, it is popular among travellers, as it is believed to bring luck. The Koran compares Heaven's light with the structure of a garnet. Islam believes garnet to contain a powerful internal energy. There are stories dating back from Ancient Greece that mention Garnet. Garnet is regarded as the crystal counterpart of pomegranate. According to the myth, it was pomegranate that bound Persephone to the underworld. Its seed obligated her to stay forever in the underworld. Garnet is so deeply intertwined with the myth of Persephone. This is why the crystal is associated with deep love, the kind of love that leads you to a different world. Use your intuition when using any crystal. A stone will work if you believe it will work. If you've been told that a stone works for one thing, don't stress if you find out that the information you got was wrong. Always remember that your belief is what gives the stone its powers. GARNET'S HEALING AND METAPHYSICAL PROPERTIES Fatigue Garnet restores the strength of people who suffer from chronic fatigue. It is also useful for people who are left weakened or debilitated. It is effective for people who are just getting out of a period of illness. It is also effective for people who suffered from stress or went through extenuating emotional circumstances. It restores both physical and emotional strength. Orange Garnet is particularly effective to treat lethargy. Anaemia Garnet helps its wearer identify if there is anything in their etheric system that deters energy from circulating through the physical body. It will help strengthen anaemic patients. This is so because it will help them work through the blockages that keep their iron levels low. Later stages of terminal illnesses Garnet may be worn by patients of terminal illnesses. It will help them feel in control of the progression of their illness. It will also keep them from being paralyzed by the fear of dying. It won't provide some magical cure for their illness. However, it will bring a lot of calm during their last days. They will feel they are in control of the last portion of their lives. It helps victims of Black Magic One of the effects of black magic is often weakness and fatigue. Once the negative spell has been removed and all necessary cleansing has been done, the victim can use Garnet to regain some of the strength they lost. Emotional Healing Garnet is a very valuable ally when achieving your heart's desires. This is so because it unleashes your inner strength and potential. It will also help you combat your fear of failure. Garnet can also help you get rid of any state of melancholy. It can be used for bouts of depression with great results. Creativity Garnet is believed to harness creative energy. Hold it during meditation or keep it near when doing work that requires creativity. Garnet is a great stone to work on our sacral chakra - the root of creativity. Love & Passion Garnet has long been known as a stone of passion, love, and commitment. It helps to inspire love and devotion among and was historically given to friends who would move away to ensure that they would see each other again.
Clear Quartz Healing & Metaphysical Properties
By Chase Jacobs 16 Jul, 2021
What is Quartz? Quartz is the second most common mineral found on earth.It’s color can vary widely from clear, to purple (Amethyst) to yellow (Citrine) to pink (Rose Quartz) and more. Quartz can be found in all types of rock - metamorphic, sedimentary and igneous. Quartz Correspondences Energy: Projective/Receptive Chakra: Crown Elements: Fire, Water Deities: Allat, Gaia, Gendenwitha, Ixcuiname, Latona Historical Uses of Quartz The name Quartz is taken from the Greek word krustallos which means ‘ice’. Ancient Greeks believed that the stone was actually eternal ice made by the gods. In Australian Aboriginal Mythology quartz was known as a mystical substance called maban, the material that the magical powers of the elders and shamans are taken from. Tools made of quartz from prehistoric tribes have been found in Ireland and other countries. As with any stone, use your intuition. We believe that a stone will work if you believe it will work. If you’ve been told that a stone works for one thing and you believe it, don't stress if you find out you were told wrong. Your belief is what gives the stones and your magical workings power. Quartz’s Healing & Metaphysical Properties Clear Quartz is thought to be a master healer and is an excellent choice for almost any healing situation. It is used to supercharge energies and effects of other crystals. Divination Quartz is often used as gazing balls or scrying surfaces although historically they have been made of other minerals. Try putting your Quartz scrying stone under your pillow to form a strong connection with it. Quartz stones also make great pendulums. Emotional Healing Use a Quartz stone to ward off bad energy and replace it with positive. This stone can help bring your emotions into balance and harmony. Lactation Quartz is said to improve a nursing mothers lactation when worn by the mother or babe (we don’t recommend putting jewelry on infants or toddlers for safety reasons). Spirituality Since Quartz is a master of energy, it is the perfect stone to help amplify magical workings. Add them to crystal grids or keep them on your altar while you work. It is also a wonderful stone to use during mediation. Use Quartz to connect to your higher psychic abilities. Quartz does not need to be perfectly clear or free of inclusions in order to work. Cleansing & Charging Quartz There are many methods for cleansing crystals. Quartz is water safe. Water Water is a neutralizing force and can be used to rid crystals of negative energies (be sure your crystals are water safe before cleansing with water). Try using running tap water, salt water or moon water to cleanse your Quartz stones. Selenite Place your smaller Quartz stones atop a larger piece of Selenite to clear unwanted energies. Sound Use sound to clear your Quartz. Sound can be used to turn negative or unbalanced energy into balanced, positive energy. This is also a great way to cleanse many stones at once! Try using: singing bowls, tuning forks or chanting. Incense Burn a cleansing herb such as sage, lavender, cedar or rosemary on a charcoal disc and waft the smoke over your Quartz to rid it of negative energies. You could also use incense sticks if they are more readily available - but we recommend choosing one in a scent that you associated with cleansing. Moonlight Moonlight is a great way to charge and cleanse your Quartz. Place your Quartz outside (weather permitting) or in a windowsill with the blinds pulled up enough to expose the stones to the moonlight. Allow the stone to sit, undisturbed throughout the night. If you are using a light sensitive stone, be sure to collect them before the sun rises to avoid discoloration. Blessed Be the Witches Information here is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose any conditions. They are for reference only. If you have a health condition, speak to your healthcare provider about treatments.
Amethyst Healing Properties
By Chase Jacobs 15 Jul, 2021
What is Amethyst? Amethyst is a transparent semi precious quartz gem. Amethyst's purple hue can range from a light lavender to a deep purple. It is believed that the purple color is caused by the iron oxide content, which is higher than in any other variety of quartz. Heating an Amethyst can cause it to lose the purple color and the stone can in turn transition to a yellow making it citrine. Amethyst Correspondences Energy: Receptive Birthstone: February Chakra: Crown & Third Eye Elements: Water Deities: Artemis, Dionysus, Bacchus, Christ, Diana Historical Uses of Amethyst The name Amethyst is taken from the Greek word amethustos which means ‘not intoxicated’. Ancient Greeks believed that the stone would protect them from becoming intoxicated. They would often craft cups out of Amethyst for this purpose. Amethyst was mentioned as one of the 12 stones found in the High Priest's breastplate. The Hebrew word achlamah (dream stone) is used to describe the stone and most scholars recognize the stone as an Amethyst. In the middle ages, Amethyst was considered one of the cardinal gemstones and was thought to be as precious as diamonds or rubies. As with any stone, use your intuition. We believe that a stone will work if you believe it will work. If you’ve been told that a stone works for one thing and you believe it, don't stress if you find out you were told wrong. Your belief is what gives the stones and your magical workings power. Amethyst’s Healing & Metaphysical Properties Insomnia and Bad Dreams Place a stone under your pillow to ward off insomnia and bad dreams. It is also associated with increased psychic power so using it in this way could lead to dreams that awaken your psychic mind. Stress Relief Amethyst is known to reduce stress and encourage peace for those who wear or carry the stone. It can help ease anxiety and promote positive thoughts. Try using Amethyst while meditating to aid in reaching a tranquil state. Sobriety Since Ancient times Amethyst has been thought of as a stone that promotes sobriety for its wearer. Some say the reason for this is because the stone brings about a sense of relaxation which is something that people seek from alcohol. Spirituality Amethyst is a stone that can be used to heighten your spiritual awareness. It is known to increase your psychic powers which will give a boost to your intuition. Associated with the crown and third eye chakras, Amethyst can be used to awaken your third eye which is said to be a person’s spiritual center. Use Amethyst to protect against physical attacks and manipulation. Cleansing & Charging Amethyst There are many methods for cleansing crystals. Amethyst is water safe but should not be left in the sunlight. Water Water is a neutralizing force and can be used to rid crystals of negative energies (be sure your crystals are water safe before cleansing with water). Try using running tap water, salt water or moon water to cleanse your Amethyst stones. Selenite Place your smaller Amethyst stones atop a larger piece of Selenite to clear unwanted energies. Sound Use sound to clear your Amethyst. Sound can be used to turn negative or unbalanced energy into balanced, positive energy. This is also a great way to cleanse many stones at once! Try using: singing bowls, tuning forks or chanting. Incense Burn a cleansing herb such as sage, lavender, cedar or rosemary on a charcoal disc and waft the smoke over your Amethyst to rid it of negative energies. You could also use incense sticks if they are more readily available - but we recommend choosing one in a scent that you associated with cleansing. Moonlight Moonlight is a great way to charge and cleanse your Amethyst. Place your Amethyst outside (weather permitting) or in a windowsill with the blinds pulled up enough to expose the stones to the moonlight. Allow the stone to sit, undisturbed throughout the night. If you are using a light sensitive stone, be sure to collect them before the sun rises to avoid discoloration. Blessed Be the Witches

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